Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Morning SMS

People vanish, people die.
People laugh and people cry
Some give up, some will try, Some say hi
while some say bye, Others may forget
but never will I..
Good morning

smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face,
telling others that they are accepted
liked and appreciated.So here's a big smile just for you.
Good morning!
Hello, wakup, Receive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING' wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long!
Take Care!
No Shadows 2 Depress U,
Only Joys 2 Surround U,
Many FrieNds 2 LoveU,
God Himself 2 BlessU,T
hese r my Wishes 4U,
2day 2morow & Everyday 2 u !!
Good morning
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile
he wishes you a good morning
hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you. Good morning
TIME alone can prove the worth of time goes by,
we loose the false ones, n keep the best......
just a sweet hello 2 one of the best....gud morning !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. "If i were to describe true love than i wud describe it as what a snowman did to a snow woman, he gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms..."
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